How does temperature affect Grip H Clips?
Nylon 66 is used to make our clips. It is widely used in automotive applications such as for valve covers due to its good properties in a large range of temperatures. We have tested our clips for installations in cold 0 degrees F and hot 160 degrees F temperatures and they perform equal to or better than the stamped metal clips. Review our web site for testing information.
Will they telegraph through the shingles?
No, our clips are thicker than the metal clips but do not telegraph through the shingles. Quite often the metal clips get slightly bent during installation and actually stick above the height of our clips.
Are they as strong as the stamped metal clips?
Yes, they are equal to or stronger as shown in independent tests.
Do they meet code?
Yes, roof clips fall under section 2304.9.4 of the International Code Council (ICC) standards. The reference to clips in this section states “Other fasteners clips, staples, glues and other approved methods of fastening are permitted where approved. The above statement means it is alright with the ICC if it is alright with the local building inspector to use different types of clips. In other words the ICC has no specific requirement for roof clips. They do this because of the large number of new fastening and gluing products that hit the market each year and improve the building process. Note that BOCAL, ICBO, SBCCI and National Evaluation Services were the four main organizations that came together to form ICC-ES which is an evaluation service for building codes. Note that the state of Florida does not require a product approval number for roof clips. As with the rest of the country, this falls with the local inspectors.
How are the clips packaged? – Both the 7/16”-1/2” clips and the 19/32” – 5/8” are packaged 250 clips per polybag, 10 polybags per case and 30 cases per skid.