3/4 Plywood Clips
Frustration reduction – Our clips go on easy and stay in place. Metal clips often need adjustments or fall off. The willingness of installers to try our clips is due in a large part to their dislike of working with the stamped metal clips. Ease of use is without a doubt the greatest selling feature of our clip. Please view the installation video.
Labor savings – Typical labor savings is 1 1⁄2 man hours per 2200 sq ft home
Help prevent roof leaks – Many tile roofs have a polymer underlayment. Our clips work very well with the polymer underlayment. Some other clips can poke holes in it and cause leaks.
Help prevent sheathing warping – Our clips leave a precise 1/8” gap created from a full width spacer bar. Without this full gap, sheathing can expand under moist conditions and you can end up with the sheathing warping.
Safety – Installers will always be able to keep both hands on the adjoining sheet when sliding it in place if they use our clips. This is especially important when handling the 4 x 8 sheets on windy days. Our living hinges hold the clips in place and give a lead-in for the adjoining sheet. You can even nail next to our pre-installed clips and they won’t fall off.
Green – Our clips are produced using recycled Nylon